California Community Colleges Curriculum

New Chair

Curriculum committees require leaders to facilitate meetings, guide curriculum development, help resolve problems or conflicts, and provide communication to the academic senate president. The chair or co-chairs of the committee lead the committee through its annual cycle of review of new, modified or deleted courses, certificates and degrees. The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges strongly recommends that the chair or at least one co-chair for the college curriculum committee be a faculty member.

For new chairs or co-chairs, the following are recommended as the ten plus one items to have as resources or recommended good practices:

  1. Program and Course Approval Handbook (PCAH)
  2. Chancellor’s Office Educational Services and Support
  3. Title 5 §55002, the section that specifies curriculum requirements
  4. ASCCC The Course Outline of Record: A Curriculum Reference Guide Revisited
  6. C-ID
  7. ASCCC Curriculum Website (You’re already here!)
  8. Know the wise people on your campus (former curriculum chairs, articulation officer, chairs of divisions or departments, counselors, etc.)
  9. Communicate with the senate president
  10. Watch for email messages from the ASCCC office regarding curriculum news and sign up for the ASCCC Curriculum Chairs listserv
  11. Take care of yourself!