The Academic Senate employs the formal use of resolutions to identify and record the will of the academic senates of the California community colleges. The Academic Senate relies on formal resolutions to set direction for the organization as a whole. Members of the Academic Senate Executive Committee and its standing and ad hoc committees implement adopted resolutions to respond to issues, to conduct its work, and to take action. When new issues and situations emerge, the Executive Committee works with its committees and task forces to develop resolutions for consideration by the body at plenary sessions in order to determine the will of the organization as a whole. It is only in rare circumstances in which an issue is pressing and available time does not permit the adoption of a formal position by the body and a previous position does not exist that the Executive Committee or President may take a position or initiate an action independent of direction from existing or adopted resolutions by the body.
Resolutions regarding curriculum can be searched for on the resolutions page of the ASCCC website by using the term “curriculum”; in addition, most resolutions having to do with curriculum can be found under category 9 of the resolutions list.